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Lucifer Beast Dragon 666
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Histeria (brujería: feminismo primordial o primer feminismo)
Luciferaorg Video

Nota: Todas y todos los miembros de luciferaorg tenemos permiso de decir "este es mi trabajo" o decir "este es nuestro trabajo" por lo que podemos hablar en plural o en singular... y la razón es protección de nuestra causa feminista por razones confidenciales
Luciferaorg Video
That happens to Colón for enslaving thousands of indigenous people, he deserves it well, and the same should happen to Queen Isabel the Catholic who, despite having imprisoned Colón for having enslaved indigenous people, said that the beliefs of pre-Hispanic people They were Satanic and he ordered them to be destroyed and to impose Christianity in America ... which they did through brute force and even through witch hunts of course ...
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