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Histeria (brujería: feminismo primordial o primer feminismo)
Luciferaorg Video

Nota: Todas y todos los miembros de luciferaorg tenemos permiso de decir "este es mi trabajo" o decir "este es nuestro trabajo" por lo que podemos hablar en plural o en singular... y la razón es protección de nuestra causa feminista por razones confidenciales
We don´t like wars, and usually we don´t support wars, but international community must do something, anything necessary to protect women in Afghanistan and anywere in the world where women are in a similar situation
Breaking news...
An anonymous source told us that our page is already in the crosshairs of an Islamic group that has ties to Christian groups ... We don't have much information about that group, we just know that a man they nickname Rab is talking about us in their groups ... and they will send our page to a guy named Ismail

America's real interest in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Taliban and women in Afghanistan
Currently, a panorama is being given, from various computer sources, where the United States was, for a time, the great savior of the people of Afghanistan and Iraq and that the interest of the United States in attacking these countries was self-protection and, in parallel , free these peoples from the tyranny of their governments ...
However, despite the fact that unjust military and political forces exist and existed in those countries and that they have committed great crimes, including the exploitation, torture and murder of women in Afghanistan, the real interest of the United States is not and never was to free said towns of the tyranny of their rulers or the self-defense of their own country (do you know the information of the controlled demolition as the real cause of the destruction of the twin towers and building 7?)
To understand a little more about the real interest of the United States in these two countries, specifically, we must, first, mention that both countries are possessors of great natural resources and are a strategic point in the power struggle between the United States and China. Russia and other countries opposed to the first world power (United States)
It would be very naive for anyone to think that the United States has a real interest in doing justice throughout the world altruistically and without expecting to have more power in return, if this were the case, the United States would not only intervene in countries with large resources to try to get hold of them while saving the population of said countries from the clutches of their cruel leaders and leaders, but would also intervene, altruistically, in countries that do not have great natural resources where social injustices and abuses occur. of their governments.
Curiously, the United States only intervenes militarily in countries with resources or that represent a strategic base against its main opponents, Russia and China, such is the case of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Likewise, it should be remembered that, as wikileaks has shown us, the military interventions of the United States to foreign countries (such as Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq) are far from being military interventions of American heroes who fight for justice and for the good, Quite the contrary, there are thousands or tens of thousands of documented cases (secret files), videos, reports, recordings, etc., of abuses by the US military against the civilian population of these countries, such as rape, torture, murder without reason against unarmed people, etc. And the most outrageous thing is that the many soldiers who commit such brutal crimes are not condemned by the American justice ... Even, in the Second World War, when the American army finally invaded Germany, it dedicated itself to raping German women, so that these American problems and crimes are NOT isolated cases, but rather that they are the rule among American troops ...
Not for nothing powerful rulers who, hypocritically, fight in the name of good with a real interest in power and ambition at stake, wish to catch the founder and haker of WikiLeaks to imprison him ...
It is worth mentioning that, although there is an attempt to give another panorama where Afghanistan does not have great natural resources that may be of interest to the United States, in reality Afghanistan has oil deposits where there are between 500 and 2000 million barrels of crude oil, in addition to geologists have determined that Afghanistan has large reserves of copper, gold, iron ore, chromium, natural gas, oil, and precious and semi-precious stones, but it is not only the holder of great natural resources, but that, together with Iraq, it is a strategic region and military in the punga of powers that the United States has with its counterweights Russia and China ...
In addition, since the US invasion, Afghanistan has increased its Opium production 4 times, now producing 90 percent of the world's opium, so another interest of the United States in Afghanistan is to produce heroin, and other opium derivatives Likewise, American pharmaceutical companies have a great ambitious and powerful interest in Afghanistan ...
Likewise, Iraq is also the possessor of great natural resources that people from the country and foreigners aspire to.
In no way does all this mean that we are in favor of the Taliban, the Taliban have extremist ideas that include seeing women as objects and as inferior to men, and their beliefs give them a pretext to cruelly abuse women, murdering them, torturing or raping them, adults and girls, for which we ask the international community to make an intervention, non-profit and without seeking to get hold of Afghanistan's resources, to protect women in Afghanistan from the clutches of the Taliban who are gaining power in that country ... we even approved a just and non-profit military intervention (the intervention of the United States was not for profit, but for power interests) by those interested in fighting the Taliban.
We also urge the peoples of the world to open their doors to refugee women from Afghanistan, as Mexico has already done, if the Taliban do not want women, if they torture and kill them, then they should be left without women, that all women Afghans have the possibility of going to other countries and that Afghanistan is left without women and that it is a country of PURE men, because if they despise them so much it would be logical that they allow them to leave there, because they do not want them there and they do not respect them.
Today I have cried several times for Afghan women ... knowing that these women are suffering in this way from the Taliban's takeover of power is affecting me much more than I expected, I feel weak, as if I am getting sick, no longer I can enjoy my garden, I cry several times a day, I feel very sad and I have no longer felt like going to the park to meditate, and when I have gone I quickly return to my house ... I feel a very great pain inside me that prevents me have peace within me and feel my spirituality as before, even though I know that I still have spirituality and that because of it I am suffering for Afghan women ...
In my previous writing I give a point of view on the intervention of the United States in Afghanistan, however this point of view is on how the power and the governmental interests act and the powers that are behind the United States government, among them, US intelligence. I believe that, due to this, I do not do justice in my writing to the thousands of soldiers and people who, despite the political interests behind the invasion of Afghanistan, did and do have a genuine social interest in helping the Afghan population, And my writing does not do justice to these people, we cannot generalize and say that ALL the people from the United States or from other countries who went to Afghanistan to make changes in the government and the population have corrupt interests because the truth is that there are also people with a great social interest that was helpful for Afghan women, both in the invasion of the USSR and in the United States in Afghanistan, the truth is that, during these two invasions, many Afghan women and girls had rights, the right to study, the right to dress as they want, the right to choose a partner or even to be alone without a partner, the right to have their body and mind respected, etc., in short, rights as human beings ... And I have not done justice either. a In my writings to the social changes that, as in Mexico, in the United States have occurred not long ago, an example of these changes in the United States is that, after a long history of corruption and immunity towards criminals with much power in the United States, justice is finally being served against people with a power that seemed infinite within the corruption of the system, and although there are still corrupt people with power within the United States who seem untouchable, the truth is that there are people who also They seemed untouchable and yet they faced justice, such is the case of Jefrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell who, for decades, dedicated themselves to the trafficking and prostitution of underage women, these being victims between the ages of 13 and 17 years, thousands of teenage victims of these two criminals and sexual predators. The case of Jefrey Epstein represents a major change in American justice and gives us proof that people who seemed untouchable by justice due to their corrupt links with the police and justice, were finally caught, this fact, along with others, me gives hope to the people of the United States, not everyone is corrupted and change is possible, likewise, Maxwell, Epstein's girlfriend and accomplice, is being prosecuted, and Prince Andrew of England is being investigated for being part of the circle of perversion of Epstein and of whom there are victims who have spoken of the abuses of this prince of England ...
These facts may seem isolated facts to some people, or facts of little importance, but the truth is that they have enormous, titanic importance, incredible since, for the first time in a long time, justice is still working with people with almost unlimited power. , both monetary and political ...
Of course there are still untouchable people, but it is becoming less and less and justice is gaining more and more ground ...
The fact that the US troops withdraw from Afghanistan represents a tragedy since they leave many women vulnerable at the expense of the Taliban who will be able to do with many of them what they want ... The fact that the United States accepts thousands of Afghan refugee women represents an important act of love, will and kindness, and it is a sign that there are people with power, from the current president himself, who have a real interest in justice and love ... I do not know Biden very much but, to Although I may be angry about your decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, I also understand that many American lives were being lost in that war and I acknowledge your humanitarian gesture in receiving Afghan refugees ... I still don't know much about Biden, but I have the hope that, unlike many presidents like Nixon or Bush, if he has a genuine social interest in his people and, if possible, in the peoples of the world ...
Likewise, Mexico has had its own changes, for the first time we have a president who cares about the vulnerable population in Mexico, who has given support programs to many low-income people that I know, scholarships to students, help in building houses. , construction of public hospitals and a long etcetera and who is also accepting Afghan refugees… Genaro García Luna was also caught, who was prosecuted by the justice (in the United States) for having links with drug trafficking and for simulating a war against drug trafficking to which, along with Calderón, imprisoned innocent people while helping a side of drug trafficking ...
Not everything in governments is good, but not everything is bad and there are more just governments than others in this eternal struggle between hatred and resentment and love and will, in this case I would say that the Taliban, by repressing and abusing the Afghan women act out of hatred and resentment, like robots, following the ideas of their religion in a blind and robotic way ... blind ...
I still have faith in love in humanity on all levels, from the people who live without a home to the people who rule ...
Love and peace…
I still do not have enough tools to decide if Biden is acting out of love and genuine social interest or not, I think he is a good person but it is still too early to judge ... he did not create the entire conflict with Afghanistan and Iraq or the violence against women in Afghanistan, previous governments did ... My expressions shown here are only a reflection of my enormous indignation at the problem that the United States created in Afghanistan and not necessarily a reflection of the position of the leader of the first world power and much less are they a reflection of the people and people of the United States who have worked out of love with a genuine social interest, it is just a reflection of the power behind the strings of the United States government, and I speak of the existence of this power by that NO President of the United States has spoken of this power, however, despite the fact that presidents may be different in many ways, their line of work in matters of war Even though they may seem different, they follow the same line, as if it were a single person who manages the war agenda of the United States, and NO President of the United States has denounced the war crimes of previous leaders or the hidden intentions behind them. the many wars that the United States has fought, such as the Vietnam War and the recent conflicts with Afghanistan and Iraq among many other wars that have started under official pretexts to justify their crimes, including the lie created by the United States government itself about the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, which never existed, according to the same UN and researchers who thoroughly investigated Iraq ...
"Not even former President Barack Obama, Nobel Peace Prize winner, has spoken about this problem in public (the lie invented by the United States about the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq), however, Obama is recognized for his action to withdraw the army from Iraq "
What is true is that the media shows a false story, as we can see in wikipedia or in wikileaks and other media, even Biden's claim that the Iraqi army does not defend its own people is cruel and out of Second, because the United States created the Afghan problem in the first place and is responsible for the existence of Al Quaeda and this huge problem, so it should have the responsibility to solve the problem that it created in Afghanistan.
Cowardly American government, irresponsible, hypocritical, they leave Afghan women at the mercy of the monster they created ...
We ask the government of Russia, China and any country interested in helping and protecting the Afghan population from the Taliban, monsters created by the United States government itself due to its ambition for power and world control.
The United States almost convinced me, I almost fell into their trap, I wanted to believe, for a moment, that there was some love in their government or in the intelligence of the United States, but whoever has love in the United States government is sentenced to death or wanted to be sentenced to death, like Edward Snowden.
Al Quaeda and the Taliban were created and financed by the same government of the United States under the name of Muhajidins in Operation Cyclone under the pretext of waging a holy war to combat a socialist government: The Republic of Afghanistan, an ally of Russia that gave rights, education, training, work and economy for both men and women in Afghanistan, thus, the United States government financed a BRUTAL terrorism against Afghanistan by financing terrorist attacks that killed hundreds of thousands of Afghans for dozens of years, until the USSR broke down. retirement
"The US government has been criticized for allowing Pakistan to channel a disproportionate amount of its funding to rebel leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, whom Pakistani officials considered" their man. " Hekmatyar has been accused of killing other Muhajidin and targeting civilian populations, including the bombing of Kabul with US-supplied weapons, causing 2,000 deaths. Hekmatyar is said to have been close to Osama bin Laden, the founder of al Qaeda, who was leading an operation to assist Arab volunteers in Afghanistan, dubbed Maktab al-Khadamat. Alarmed by his behavior, Pakistani leader Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq warned Hekmatyar that "it was Pakistan who made him an Afghan leader and it is Pakistan who can equally destroy him if he continues to misbehave."
In the late 1980s, Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, concerned about the growing strength of the Islamist movement, told President George HW Bush that he is "creating a Frankenstein." The United States maintained that all of its funds went to native Afghan rebels and denied that any funds were used to supply foreign Arab Osama bin Laden or Muhajidin. An estimated 35,000 foreign Muslims from different countries recruited and trained by the CIA participated in the war. "
Why does the United States withdraw and leave women at the mercy of the same monster that the United States itself created?
The United States CANNOT withdraw from Afghanistan leaving Afghan women in the hands of the monster that it created, by withdrawing its troops it only shows its ineptitude and disinterest in fixing the problem that it created, the Taliban rebelled against their creator, but They are evil, they are pure evil, pure evil created by the United States government itself in a country with innocent people, now the United States flees from the evil that it created ... by withdrawing they only denote their immaturity, hypocrisy, stupidity and coldness
If you don't believe me, google "Operation Cyclone", it is even found in the same wikipedia
It got out of hand, but maybe their grandchildren are different ...
(The real interest of the United States is for Russia to intervene militarily in Afghanistan again in order to destabilize it once and for all ... so the Taliban act in conjunction with the United States to cause terror in Afghanistan ... and it is to be expected because the Taliban were trained by the CIA.
That is why we urge that Russia not act alone and that other allied countries of Russia, such as China, act together to defeat, once and for all, the American empire)
4- The swamp of sadness
When my net uncle died, I became ill with sadness, just like when my grandfather Ernesto died, I don't know why I am so sensitive, maybe I was just born like that, sensitive, I care about my loved ones, but not only my loved ones if I don't society itself, in some way that I cannot help myself, I am not indifferent to the pain of others.
I have learned to live with this sensitivity, when I am with other people and they tell me their pain I can feel them as if they were their own, then they tell me more ... Somehow I feel something very beautiful when feeling listened to helps them feel better or with a hope, forgotten people on the streets are infinitely grateful that you listen to them, and if I can feel pain but not suffering, pain is inevitable and natural in difficult moments and is shared through empathy, but suffering is a choice and even though it may feel a lot of pain I do not feel suffering and I do not feel suffering because, finally, I feel free to feel all my emotions, those of happiness and joy and those of sadness, this freedom allows me not to suffer.
However, this time what happens to Afghan women is affecting me more than I thought, I did not think I feel as much pain for this issue as I am feeling, and the pain of Afghan women, which is my pain, was expressed by writing, and by Naturally, almost as a coincidence, some loved ones have given me more information about what really happens in Afghanistan, the origin of the problem, there are also loved ones who have cried with me, crying cleanses the soul ...
I am fighting not to die drowned in the swamp of sadness (of the endless story) I really believe that I will survive this test, I am very strong personally, but this pain is not personal, it is social, that is why I write to you about the problem, in WhatsApp or around here, why do I think that we all have love and we can share our pain, by sharing pain there is also love, not only by sharing joys ... I love you, I love you infinitely and you help me not to die in it swamp of sadness because of this very difficult subject with women in Afghanistan, I love them and wish I had the power to stop the Taliban and stop them from mistreating Afghan women, but all I can do is write like any mortal human with limitations, since I do not have great resources to help them in any other way, the Mexican government is already helping them and that for me represents a ray of hope.
I'm sorry, I don't know why I was born so sensitive, I really don't know why
I love them to infinity
On a Facebook page about aliens in response to a post about aliens:
Instead of thinking about aliens googlen "Operation Cyclone" and they will understand the reason for the Afghan conflict
· ·
· 13 h
Arion Years ago, since George Bush I know what is happening there. Thank you for the recommendation. (mocking laughing faces)
· ·
· 5 h
GP I'm sorry but it doesn't make me laugh, as you do, it doesn't make me laugh in any way what is happening to Afghan women ... it makes me sad, very sad and I think the issue of Afghan women is much more interesting and REAL that the subject of aliens, I could also laugh that they talk about aliens, just as you laugh at the suffering of Afghan women, but I do not feel like laughing, so I simply call for humility and sensitivity to this big problem ... aliens are insignificant to me, and if they exist, it is very unlikely that they are on Earth, maybe I'm wrong and if they are on Earth but I really don't care if I'm wrong or if not, I don't care if there are aliens or if not ... for me, in this moment of world pain for Afghan women, the issue of aliens is irrelevant ... greetings
· · GP reaction: Sad emoti
· 14 min
· Arion
I'm sorry if I was a bit harsh in my answer ... you know what happens in Afghanistan and in the world, a large part of the population knows it, maybe everyone, deep down, knows it ... it's just a matter of waking up to the obvious ... the problem is US imperialism ...
GP reaction: shocked emoti
Everyone is free to believe that God exists or does not exist, no one will go to hell for not believing, but I believe that both believers and non-believers can connect through love, for believers love can be God spirit, for atheists simply love :)
From the second call to the beings of paradise:
God does not crush angels for flying
Since angels only fly because humility could reach, and when they reached humility they knew that no one is above others, and whoever sits above others will eventually no one will be, will have formidable power and angels with a finger on a screen will crush and God will believe himself, he will crush all that divine being who wants to fly, he will accuse him of a thousand things, and against the angels he will put everyone and when no one is a tyrant, God himself will want to crush, and that is when no one is a tyrant when everything will be resolved