Lucifer Beast Dragon 666
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Histeria (brujería: feminismo primordial o primer feminismo)
Luciferaorg Video

Nota: Todas y todos los miembros de luciferaorg tenemos permiso de decir "este es mi trabajo" o decir "este es nuestro trabajo" por lo que podemos hablar en plural o en singular... y la razón es protección de nuestra causa feminista por razones confidenciales
The dream:
Before telling my dream that I had a month or so ago, I want to comment on the context and how I understand it now ... I believe, in the depths of my heart and as far as I have experienced, that every human being, all human beings they have the same or similar capacity to love within themselves ... I want to believe that even people with psychopathy have that capacity to love that for some reason they ignore, as if they had a switch that they turn on or off to see or ignore their own capacity to love, but turning off that switch does not imply that they do not have that capacity, but rather that they ignore it, trapping themselves more and more within the construction of their false ego ...
I deeply believe in the love and sensitivity of people, men and women, and the apparent differences in sensitivity of people are just that, apparent, because each one expresses their sensitivity in their own way. Waking up is making you aware of your sensitivity, love, affection and social interest ... which is why I believe that there are sleeping people and awake people ... and sleeping people can wake up very quickly ...
The ability to love does not make any person superior or inferior, whoever feels superior because of having a great capacity to love falls into a contradiction, because to love is to see your loved ones and people as equals, not as superior or inferior, to my, every person I talk to or every animal I live with is my equal, be they people, women, men, dogs, ants, birds ... (even though I see birds as angels) ...
I am moved that there are many people awake not only to the problem in Afghanistan that horribly affects women and girls, but also to social problems in our own country or in other countries of which perhaps not much is said ... without However, even though this moves me, gives me hope and excites me, it does not prevent me from continuing to feel pain for the situation ... pain that leads me to write and seek how I or other people can help ...
Now I tell you my dream ...
In my dream I was in a society full of people who had forgotten love and will within themselves, so they worked like robots, always the same, without ever changing, these people were in a hurry in their cars to work and worked on their machines, there was almost no fantasy within them and they, then, while I was in that society, suddenly I woke up, I realized my sensitivity, empathy, love and conscience, but in my dream I was the only one who woke up, so that others were still robots ... Then I realized that I was the only person aware of their sensitivity and love, others followed their jobs robotically without caring about others, society, animals, nature, and continued to destroy the nature and connected to their cell phones, computers, cars and jobs ... then, then I knew that I was in hell, that I could not share with anyone why, that I was trapped in a robotic and technological world where everyone except me was asleep ...
The dream (hell) was so horrible that I woke up screaming ... and when I woke up I felt a relief not to be in such a world ...
We all have the same capacity to love ... we just have to remember it ...